Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Polygamy.....Short Story 'MARIAH'

After doing my position paper on the short story-MARIAH, I think that the practice of polygamy is totally bad for women.
It's just so unfair. Many questions appear in my mind and one of them, if a man is alright to have more than one wife, what about a woman has more than a husband at the same time?
I understand that there are many unfairness in this world. Not to argue, but I think that men are way too selfish since long time agon until now, as if they have rights to do so many things that women are not supposed to do. Men should put themselves into the women's shoes and understand about others' feelings. Just like the story, the man, Pak Imam should be grateful enough to have such a good wife but he still wants to marry Mariah to fulfill his own desire. I don't agree when the wife agrees with the husband's decision. If, I were the wife, I would rather divorce the man, and live on my own. Probably, it's the matter of time zone... where the old days had a different way of living, I guess.
Anyway, in today's world, I believe that many women could live independantly on their own, even without relationship with men.
Therefore, I would say, "Do not agree with polygamy!"