Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dear Diary,...

Through diary writing, people are able to enhance their writing skills, jot down special moments to keep as memory, voice out words which couldn’t be said, and many more. Children like to write about things happened in schools or their friends; teenagers prefer to write about their lovers or some family matters; whereas the adults would write about almost anything, anything that they would never want anybody to know. Well, it is actually very interesting to read the old stories in a diary if you have one which you had kept for years. Somehow, I do not have one for myself anymore, due to an embarrassing experience and some particular reasons. As I was a young kid; I used to have a few diaries, which I wrote many of my personal feelings in it. But somehow, I decided not to write any, since my brother took one of my diaries and read it out loud in front of my father and mother when I was 15 years old. It was a so shameful situation.

After that incident, I create a philosophy of mine...
[Some words could be spoken, but never to be written,
cos’ if they’re found, that might be the day you’ll be doomed.]

Anyhow, I do request my students to write a diary record once a week. This is to create the opportunity for them to write about their experiences and feelings, while practicing their writing skills. They are allowed to write on any event or experience but the content has to be a true one.

1 comment:

DGSC said...

Keep writing..... It stopped in 2012. Why?