Saturday, May 26, 2012

Online Task FOUR

1. Think of at least 3 benefits of using speeches by famous figures, in the classroom.
  • Learn to become a better speaker
  • Learn to write proper and appropriate speeches
  • Improve the English language competency
                                            {a simple audio-visual speech sample)
2. Go to and find the audio-visual on the speech. In not less than 50 words, state would the audio-visual be of any use in helping understand the speech better? State your reasons.
By using audio-visual in the classroom, teacher is able to achieve the objectives in the teaching and learning process more effectively compare to using audio alone. Sounds stimulate a person very well, however, together with the visual aids; a person is able to have a clearer picture of about the speech. It is better that the audience is able to view the background, scene, or facial expression of the speaker because that effect promotes better understanding. Besides, it is also entertaining and authentic to be used in the classroom.

3. Who is Martin Luther King?
Martin Luther King, born on 15th January 1929, appeared to be an American activist and an outstanding leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movements. He fought hard to gain equality of rights for all. In 1964, Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize and he was also the youngest person to receive this high honor in history. At 6:01 p.m. on April 4, 1968, King was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel.

4. Based on the question below, analyze the features of the given written speech:
a. What is the purpose of the speech?
The speech is a message of HOPE. In his speech, he hoped for equality so that people can live in peace, without any discrimination and racism. His speech was a tool to break the chain of the unfairness.
b. What is the tone of the speech?
Martin Luther King used the repeated sentence ‘I have a dream’ with a persuasive tone.
c. What interesting major feature(s) can you see from the speech?
The repetitions of the sentence ‘I have a dream’ make his speech immortally memorable and also the use of interesting, stimulating and contrasting metaphors.
d. Any interesting facts that you can gather based on the background of the speech?
Martin Luther King is a symbolic figure with his speech ‘I have a dream’. He successfully shared the hidden voices of the blacks who were ill-treated at that time. This speech of his, inspired many people to have trust in their capability and beliefs.

5. Suggest a while-reading activity that can be derived from this particular speech.
Analyze the speech, part by part.

1 comment:

DGSC said...

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