Friday, May 25, 2012

Online Task ONE

The Son of the Turtle Spirit is a folktale. List some of the well-known folktales from Malaysia.
  • Si Tanggang
  • Mat Jernin 
  • Badang
  • Sang Kancil Helps Kerbau
  • Sang Kancil and the Crocodile

List some of the possible issues found in “The Son of the Turtle Spirit”

Love, fate, fengsui and spirits.
Are those issues universal in nature or are they only relavent in the Chinese culture?
Love and fate are both universal issues, where as it is a Chinese culture to be strongly believe in fengsui and spirits. 

What are the other morals that can be gotten from the other fables by Aesop? (List at least TWO)
  • The Tortoise and the Eagle – if men had all they wished, they would be often ruined. 
  • The Bear and the Two Travelers – Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.
  • The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf – There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.
  • The Two Frogs – Do nothing without a regard to the consequences.

One well-known literary figure from the Elizabeth age used Ovid’s Pyramus and Thisbe as a model to one of his famous plays. Who is he and what is the play?

William Shakespeare – A Midsummer Night’s Dream



List some of the most popular legends we have in Malaysia

  • The Seven Magical Wells
  • The Legend of Mahsuri
  • The Mysterious Giant Footprint
  • The Fairy Princess of Gunung Ledang
  • The Dragon of Lake Chini
  • The Legend of Princess Santubong
  • The Fury of Laksamana Bentan

The legend provided in the module is that of King Arthur taken by Book of Le Mort d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur) by Sir Thomas Malory who was an expert in Arthurian Literature. The module suggests that you think of how of you could adapt the text for students as it is written in an archaic language.

1. Who is Thomas Malory?

The famous English author, Sir Thomas Malory (c. 1410 – 1471), was the complier of the famous English classic, Le Mort d’Arthur. He had the identity to be known as a Warwickshire knight due to the development in his interest in politics during the 15th century. Sir Thomas Malory gained his eternal fame by writing and creating the immortal Le Mort d’Arthur.

2. When was Le Mort d’Arthur written?

It was said to be written in the 1450’s while Thomas Malory was still in prison and was completed in 1469 to be one of the greatest and major works of prose fiction in English.

3. How many books/parts are there in LMDA?

There are 21 books (

4. What is book 8 about?

It is about The Death of King Arthur.

5. Who were the two people who had an affair?

They were Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere.

6. Book 6 has a strong connection to a popular modern fiction which is now a movie. What is the title of the popular modern fiction?

King Arthur and Merlin: Lancelot and Guinevere (2004).

7. State three well-known facts about King Arthur / his time as a King

  • King Arthur's sword.
  • Betrayed by Sir Lancelot, his greatest knight.
  • Being raised by Sir Ector who had a son named Kay.
Think of two ways in which you can use folktales/fables/myths or legends in the classroom. Explain briefly.
1. Role-play in the classroom would be interesting and suitable for the students in learning literature. By playing the roles in folktales/fables/myths or legends, the students could learn more about the characters, setting, theme, etc. I believe that role-play is an effective way of developing listening and speaking skills, meanwhile, the students are encourage to build self-confidence and reduce anxiety while learning literature.
2. Students can learn to write their own stories after some reading is done. Their creativities appear to be astonishing as they are believe to be able to create stories based on their real-life experiences or imaginations. Students might begin to adapt at first, and then slowly proceed to their own creations. This is a good way to promote more reading and writing opportunities in literature learning.



1 comment:

DGSC said...

Having read your blog, I dont know what made you hv become a teacher. But I know you are a good teacher now!